Comics are both an adults and a children's media as they appeal to both in different ways. The beauty of comics is that they cater to a wide range of audiences due to the linking of words and images that helps to create a simplistic on one level and and complex story on another. The reason a comic can be both simple and complex is because it relies heavily on the interpretation of the reader. In the case of Tintin the story is essentially a timeless one - Hero conquering Villain. A child will look at the images in a comic and in the case of Tintin will see a man and his dog on a quest fighting the bad guy. The words spoken by the characters in the comic will further help to illustrate this story.
In regards to an adult, experience and knowledge of places and events will help the reader to understand the deeper meaning behind the text and images. As Farr (1999) points out 'As in the best of fiction the stories were anchored firmly in fact.' As in the case of Herge's 'The Blue Lotus' which is the story of how Tintin goes to Shanghai to find a drug lord dealing in Opium, the title itself show's Herge's basis in fact as the name given to the comic is a well known opium den in Shanghai. The use of Chinese images and especially the use of meaningful Chinese phrases depicted in 'The Blue Lotus' allows the adult reader to understand Herge's desire to create an awareness and tolerance of the Chinese culture.
As an art form comics are becoming more accepted as they primarily use images in order to convey meaning and ideas within a story. For this reason also comics are clearly a literary genre as text is used in order to complement these images. The ideas within the story are given greater importance by the nature and complexity of the images being depicted and therefore the value of this form of art is now gaining more recognition.
As the saying goes 'a picture conveys a thousand words', so true for comics as the images are expressed in minute detail in order to have impact and to underline the basis in reality . 'Like film, television and the Internet, comics systematically combine words and pictures' (Varnum (2001). The images help to create a deeper level of understanding for the reader by depicting the views and sentiments of the author and the artist.